"You create the world, blink by blink. It is entirely yours to discover and yours to create.”
― Sophia Amoruso #GIRLBOSS
I am weird and I am a firm believer in girl power. I find beauty and inspiration in many things and that’s why I am a creator. I feel like designing takes a certain type of picky person that is a perfectionist to a point, and then disrupts all the rules of classic art to manifest their creativity in the form of an awesome digital beast. I hate cookie-cutter clichés and boring aesthetics. I get a kick from pushing the lengths of what I can design to the max, and then flipping it, grinding it, and sending it back through the wormhole one last time before putting a cherry on top and calling it a day.
Although my first love is design, I am also an avid doll hobbyist! I started this hobby in about 2014 and I collect and customize various types of dolls as well as create and sell clothes for them. The Instagram doll community offers so much awesome feedback and inspiration for both my hobby and my design work; it’s really helped propel me to where I am now within the hobby. It’s something that brings me a lot of joy and I hope to meet and interact with many more people in the doll community as time goes on. Click here to see what I've been working on.
Finally, I’m interested in traveling and ultimately plan to make it to Japan in order to experience their beautiful and rich culture. In the future, I hope to travel more in order to learn, explore, and engage with creatives from around the globe 🌏. I love surrounding myself with creative individuals and engaging with them, seeing what we can learn from each other or how we can inspire one another.